Spraygrip 2 - Hand applied anti-skid surfacing


The hand applied anti-skid materials may be Bitumen Extended Epoxy Resin, Polyurethane or Acrylic type of binder incorporating calcined bauxite aggregate. The aggregate may be of the natural colours of red, beige or grey. Coloured coated bauxite aggregates are available in red, green, and blue.

Spraygrip 2 is a two component bitumen extended epoxy resin binder which is surfaced with calcined bauxite to produce high skid resistance properties. This product provides an anti skid surfacing which has been specially developed to achieve maximum safety on the most critical sites.


Technical Information
Typical Applications
Can be applied to : Steel, Bitumen macadam, Wood, Asphalt, Concrete.
Visual Enhancement
Colours : Red, Beige, Grey,Green & Blue.
Cold laid process
Rail & bus platforms
Setting Time : 1-3 hours depending on surface temperature
Hand laid
Traffic calming
Binder Application : 1-3-1.5kg/m2 depending on road texture
Choice of colours
Pedestrian walkways
High anti skid properties
Pedestrian bridges
No alteration to road furniture
Car parks
Accident Reduction
Long effective life
Wheelchair ramps
Resistant to oil and fuel spillage
Pedestrian crossings
Existing road markings masked so no replacement
Cycle tracks / lanes



Spraygrip 2 is chemically cured and the curing times are dependent on surface temperatures. This product is fuel and oil resistant and can be supplied in several gradings, the coarser grading used for vehicular traffic and the finer graded material used for pedestrian traffic. This process can be applied to both carriageway and footpath.

It has been proven that Spraygrip2, when applied to junctions, will reduce accident frequency. From studies it has been shown that it has a payback period of less than two years. Typical applications for the coarse aggregate include traffic calming, car parks & airports. Fine aggregate can be applied to the following locations, pedestrian crossings, wheelchair ramps, parks, pedestrian bridges, pedestrian walkways, cycle tracks, rail & bus platforms.

Natural Grey Guyana Bauxite used as a traffic calming measure in a town center.
Pigmented red calcined bauxite being hand applied to a footpath to create a cycle lane.